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임경훈 교수

Leem, Kyung Hoon

전공러시아정치, 비교민주주의
주소사회과학대학 420호


Courses Provided
  • 대학원: 러시아정치연구, 탈공산 이행 경험과 북한, 비교정치연구

  • 학부: 정치 체제와 변동, 러시아동구정치론

  • 1990.10.01.-1996.08.31.             Ph.D. in Political Science, The University of Chicago
  • 1985.03.01.-1987.02.26.             MA in Political Science, Seoul National University
  • 1981.03.01.-1985.02.26.             BA in Political Science, Seoul National University
Service for Seoul National University Administration
  • 2018.03.22.-2021.                       Director, Institute for Peace and Unification Studies
  • 2015.08.01.-2017.03.23.             Director, SNU Newspaper
  • 2012.03.26.-2014.03.25.             Associate Dean, College of Social Sciences
  • 2009.08.01.-2010.07.31.             Director, Center for Teaching and Learning
  • 2008.08.01.-2010.07.25.             Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, SNU
  • 2005.03.07.-2006.03.31.             Chair, Dept. of Political Science, College of Social Sciences
  • 2001.07.16.-2003.03.06.             Chair, Dept. of Political Science, College of Social Sciences
Research Interests

Comparative Politics (Democratization and Reform, Russian Politics, Comparative Post-communist Transitions, Changes in North Korea)

Selected Publications
  • “Labor Militancy and Working Class Consciousness in Communist Societies: A Comparison of Socio-political and Organizational Factors in the Soviet Union and Poland,” Russian Studies, vol. 29, no, 2 (2019).
  • “North Korea’s Political System and Its Probable Paths of Transition: A Comparative Perspective.” Paper presented at the panel entitled “Korean Peninsula on the Move,” The 11th International Convention of Asia Scholars, Leiden, the Netherlands, July 17, 2019.
  • Unification Perception Survey 2018 (Co-authored in Korean; 2019).
  • Social Changes in North Korea 2018 (Co-authored in Korean; 2019).
  • Anatomy of Contemporary Russia (Co-authored in Korean; 2014).
  • “Labor Strikes in Communist Society: A Comparison of the Soviet Union and Poland,” Russian Studies, vol. 28, no, 1 (2018).